There exists two kinds of mobilities for Students:
Mobilities for studies (Internship programme)
Mobilities for Practices in Enterprises (Eramus + Traineeship)
Every course the Department of International Relations organizes a meeting to provide students with information. After this meeting the application period is open. The student has the chance to go for any of the European centers that the RESAD has aN inter-institutional agreement with.
The application, including each candidate’s individual form, will be sent to the host institution in question. When the confirmation is received the final paperwork required for participation will be prepared.
Outgoing students must be registered at their home institution before the mobility begins.
• Students must have successfully finished First and Second years
• Study abroad will be during, or following, Third year
• Other options may be studied as exceptions.
• The course coordinator, after consulting with the student's professors will approve participation.
Documents required:
• Current CV including a photo.
• A copy of transcript records
• A personal letter of motivation
• A personal letter of interest.
• Student Application Form for Outgoing Students
Other documents the hosting institution may require:
• Certificate accrediting language level (if required)
• Portfolio of work (compulsory for Scenography students). The inclusion of additional audio-visual material is recommended for the other degree programs.
31 January 2017: Applications are to be sent to the Department for International Relations with the ok and the right checking of the Coordinator of the Speciality of each Student.
16 February 2017: Rest of the Documents.
Contact person: International Relations Office _ Departamento de Relaciones Externas.
Raquel Perallón, Alberto Lara, José Vicente Torrejón.
Office hours: Monday -Friday, 09:30 to 14:30h.
Aid from EU funds for mobility for study purposes:
The recipients of the Eramus + scholarship for study purposes will receive an allowance for a maximum of 7 months (when the stay is less than 7 months will be prorated).
For placements of trainees, the assignment will be for 3 months.
Aid from EU funds for mobility for study purposes
Cantidad/mes |
Grupo 1 |
Austria, Dinamarca, Finlandia, Francia, Irlanda, Italia, Liechtenstein, Noruega, Reino Unido, Suecia, Suiza |
300 € |
Grupo 2 |
Alemania, Bélgica, Chipre, Croacia, Eslovenia, Grecia, Holanda, Islandia, Luxemburgo, Portugal, República Checa, Turquía |
250 € |
Grupo 3 |
Antigua República Yugoslava de Macedonia, Bulgaria, Eslovaquia, Estonia, Hungría, Letonia, Lituania, Malta, Polonia, Rumanía |
200 € |
Mobility for trainees: 100 euros per month.
Additional help for students with less financial resources:
The additional amount of € 100 / month will be financed with European funds for students with less economic resources. The criterion that will be followed to know this additional aid will be the one of having been beneficiary of a scholarship of studies of a general nature of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport the course immediately previous to the one that is going to realize the mobility.
Recognition of Learning Outcomes (ECTS): Once studies abroad have been completed the RESAD receives each student’s accreditation of grades awarded at the different European schools (Transcript of Records). ECTS earned will be fully recognized by RESAD. The Council for Educational Coordination will study the most effective way to recognize the credits.
Mobility of trainees:
Internships abroad can last between a minimum of two months and a maximum of 12 months.
Erasmus + allows multiple exchanges abroad, as a student or trainee, as long as stays in other countries (including study periods) do not exceed 12 months.
Newly graduated students may also undertake internships abroad, provided that they are completed in the year following their graduation or undergraduate degree and are applied for while they are still enrolled.
The practices must respond to the students' learning and personal development needs related to their degree and be integrated, whenever possible, into their curriculum.
Internships can be held in any organization based in an Erasmus + country (with the exception of EU institutions, bodies and agencies).
Each year the RESAD establishes an application deadline for students who would like to study with us as part of the Erasmus Permanent Learning Program. The applications received are sent to the appropriate departments and specializations that make the selection amongst the candidates. Once that selection is made, the RESAD provides letters of acceptance or rejection to each applicant’s home institution.
Documents required:
• Current CV, including a photo.
• A copy of Transcript of Records.
• A motivation letter (in spanish or english)
• Student Application form incoming student
• Certificate accrediting Spanish language level
B2 level for Acting and Dramaturgy programs.
B1 level for the other programs.
• Portfolio of work (compulsory for Scenography students).
Deadline: 31th May 2017.
Applications are to be mailed to:
International Relations Office
Avenida de Nazaret, 2
Madrid 28009
Contact person: Raquel Perallón, Alberto Lara, José Vicente Torrejón.
RESAD Teacher and non-teaching staff are also eligible for the Erasmus+ program. In this case there are two categories.
1. TEACHING MOBILITY (only for Teachers):
Exclusively for institutions with Erasmus Charter.
After coordinating with the host institution, professors should present a teaching program proposal
Erasmus Teaching Program. Before the mobility starts, the teaching programs must be formally approved by letter or email by both home and host institutions.
Duration of stay and financial support
Maximum : 2 months
Minimum: 2 days
Minimum teaching hours: 8 h
The National Agency will financially support a week maximum.
Financial support is divided in travel and subsistence costs.
Travel costs (distance between airports):
Entre 100 y 499 kms |
180 € /participante |
Entre 500 y 1999 kms |
275 € / participante |
Entre 2000 y 2999 kms |
360 €/ participante |
Entre 3000 y 3999 kms |
530 €/ participante |
Entre 4000 y 7999 kms |
820 €/ participante |
Más de 8000 kms |
1100 €/participante |
Subsistence costs:
Dinamarca, Irlanda, Países Bajos, Reino Unido y Suecia |
120 €/día |
Austria, Belgica, Bulgaria, Chipre, Finlandia, Francia, Hungría, Italia, Islandia, Liechtenstein, Luxemburgo, Noruega, Polonia, República Checa, Rumanía, Suiza y Turquíí |
105 €/día |
Alemania, Eslovaquia, España, Letonia, Malta, Portugal y Antigua República Yugoslava de Macedonia |
90 €/día |
Croacia, Eslovenia, Estonia y Lituania |
75 €/día |
Deadline: During 2017-2018 academic year.
Applications will be sent to the International Relations Office – Departamento de Relaciones Internacionales.
Contact person: Raquel Perallón, Alberto Lara, José Vicente Torrejón.
Office hours: Monday to Friday, 09:30 to 14:30h.
2. TRAINING MOBILITY (Teching and non-teaching staff):
Mobility can be performed in institutions which do not have Erasmus Charter. The selection of applicants is based on
Erasmus training mission program document submitted to the home institution after consultation with the host institution. Before starting the mobility the programme must be formally approved by letter or email by both home and host institutions.
Duration of stay and financial support
Maximum : 2 months
Minimum: 2 days
Minimum teaching hours: 8 h
The National Agency will financially support a week maximum.
Financial support is divided in travel and subsistence costs.
Travel costs (distance between airports:
Entre 100 y 499 kms |
180 € /participante |
Entre 500 y 1999 kms |
275 € / participante |
Entre 2000 y 2999 kms |
360 €/ participante |
Entre 3000 y 3999 kms |
530 €/ participante |
Entre 4000 y 7999 kms |
820 €/ participante |
Más de 8000 kms |
1100 €/participante |
Subsistence costs:
Dinamarca, Irlanda, Países Bajos, Reino Unido y Suecia |
120 €/día |
Austria, Bélgica, Bulgaria, Chipre, Finlandia, Francia, Grecia, Hungría, Italia, Islandia, Liechtenstein, Luxemburgo, Noruega, Polonia, República checa, Rumanía, Suiza y Turquía |
105 €/día |
Alemania, Eslovaquia, España, Letonia, Malta, Portugal y Antigua República de Yugoslava de Macedonia |
90 €/día |
Croacia, Eslovenia, Estonia y Lituania |
75 €/día |
Deadline: During 2017-2018 course
Applications will be sent to the Department of International Relations
Contact person: Raquel Perallón, Alberto Lara, José Vicente Torrejón.
Office hours: Monday to Friday, 09:30 to 14:30h.
There is no limit to the number of times one may participate in a given academic school year.
Nevertheless, in order to guarantee the participation of the maximum number of Professors and non teaching staff, the RESAD will give priority to first time applicants within the frame of these activities.
In both types, participants must sign a contract.